For those of you that know my blog, I have been planning a series on vintage windows and the many things that you can make with one. So, here is my first window that I have to add to my series that I actually created.
I already owned the mail/key thing and had it hanging where this family information board now hangs with it attached. I needed a central location for my family to find out where each other is, what is going on that night, or to find out if I can drive them anywhere. This will fill all those needs.
I started out with windows I obtained for free from a Craigslist posting. Just a hint all: When the post states to make offer, be honest. This posting stated he had over 40 windows that he wanted to get rid of and to make an offer. I was honest and responded that they require a lot of work to refurbish and that I would be happy to take them off his hands, but that I wouldn't be willing to pay for them. I drove an hour to get them, but that was a very small price to pay for over 40 of these windows.
Well, ok, now onto how I did this.
Step 1 - Clean the windows as best as you can with cleaner and paper towels.
Step 2 - Either clean the glass, if using, or remove, if not.
Step 3 - Sand the window as much as you can. I recommend wearing a dust mask for this as these windows most likely have lead base paint on them and you don't need to be inhaling this. I used a palm sander for all my larger, flat areas and my Dremel with a sander attachment for around the actual window panes.
Step 4 - Paint - I chose to use spray paint on this window and it required about 3 coats. Still debating on if that was the best type of paint to use or not. Will keep you posted!
Now, at this point, you have to decide what you want to do with the window. I knew I wanted this window for this family message board. So, to accomplish that, these are the directions:
Wipe Board
I cleaned two of the original glass panes and put back in with a light scrap paper behind so that writing will show up clearly. Don't mind my messy work space. This is a makeshift spot that I was using to paint another project earlier today. Sorry
Cork Board
I thought it would be easier to have a piece of cork that went into two of the window panes rather than two separate pieces of cork in each pane. So, I removed the back of one of the cross sections.
I then attached a piece of chip board to the cork using Mod Podge. There has to be an easier way as I found this very messy. But, it worked!
Magnet Board
Almost daily, I check out a website (yes, other than Southern Fried Gal's) by a fellow blogger called Greenbean's Crafterole. Recently, she had a post about some small boards that she makes out of galvanized flashing. Well, I went out and bought a roll at my local Home Depot and it only cost me $8.48 for a 10" x 10' roll. So, I cut out some from that roll and covered with some scrap paper. I used fleur de lis as the hanger that I attached also had a fleur de lis on it (plus, it is one of my favorite things).
Lastly, I attached my key holder to the bottom (really the side, as I turned it to make it fit best) of the window. I keep my Bed Bath & Beyond Coupons as well as take out menus there. Plus, I have always found that it is so much easier to find my keys if I have a designated place to put them. It took me a while to get used to hanging them up, but wow, I would be lost without it now.
I forgot to mention that I used glazing points to hold all items into the individual window panes.
So, there you have it! That is all it took to create this great family message board:
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and I would love to have you visit me at The Crafter's Window. Thank you so much Southern Fried Gal for having me over for the day.
i've been trying to motivate myself to do something to organize my family's paper work piles! this is a great inspiration! love it!
visiting from not just a housewife
The post is up! Thank you again for sharing. I'm SOOOOO jealous of your window freebies - ha!
It's LOVELY!!! What a brilliant idea. And lucky you for getting such an awesome deal on those beauties!
Wow! I can't believe you got them for free--but you've certainly put enough work in them to make up for it. Love these!
Thanks for your kind comment at Red Hen Home!
oh my gersh! cute did this project turn out?...and thanks so much for the shout out!...
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